Casa Ducal de Salinas de Rosío

Nobility Titles of the House of Villamor Salinas


- Duke of Salinas de Rosío Grandee of Spain (Granted in 1814 by H.M. The King Ferdinand VII of Spain and Indies D.G)
- Marquess of Villamor (Granted in 1814, previous to the Duchy by H.M. The King Ferdinand VII of Spain and Indies D.G)
- Earl of Torre Cuéllar (Granted in 1770 by The King Charles III of Spain and Indies D.G)
- Lord of Villamor of Losa (Granted in XI Century by The King Sancho II of Castilla, to Don Diego, Earl of Oca and Belorado)
- Mayorazgo of The House of Villamor (Founded with Royal license of The King Juan II of Castilla in 1430)
- Mayorazgo of The House of Salinas of Salinas de Rosío (Founded with Royal license of The Queen Juana I of Castilla
  in 1517)
- Mayorazgo of The House of Angulo of Rio de Losa XV Century
- Pariente Mayor de Vizcaya de la Casa de la Viñuela del Solar de Castrejana (Inmemorial Nobility confirmed in XIII Century
  by The King Fernando III of Castilla)
- Hereditary Abbots of La Peña in San Pantaleón of Losa (Inmemorial Nobility of The House of La Peña)
- Duke of The Latin Empire of Constantinople (Granted in XIII Century by The Emperor Balduino of Flandes, Latin Emperor of
  Constantinople after the IV Christian Crusade to The Earl of Oca, Belorado and Bureba from Castilla)

