The Origins of the House of Villamor come from the old Earls of the Bureba, Belorado and Oca that belonged to the lineage of Goths Dukes of Cantabria of VIII century and in effect received the Lordship of Villamor in 1069 by King Sancho II of Castile, Don Diego II Alvarez de Oca, Count of Oca and Belorado (1032-1083) descending of Duke Don Diego I of Cantabria, and Earl of Burgos (820+886), to his death received by succession his son Alvar Diaz of Belorado, Count of Belorado (1050+1111), after him his son Don Diego III (1070+1113), after him his son Don Alvar III (1086+1128) later his son Don Diego IV (1104+1145), after him his son Don Gonzalo II (1134-1187) who began to undergo the harassment of the Royal power against the family of the descendants of the old Dukes of Cantabria which they constituted a symbol of the Goth legitimacy of long ago as opposed to the new Foreign Burgundy Dinasty that acceded to the power, therefore the things, Don Gonzalo II, VI Lord of Villamor thought already about fleeing from Castile towards other Kingdoms to safeguard its descendants, therefore the things its son and successor Don Rodrigo I, VI, Lord of Villamor (1152+1172) and the son of this last Don Diego V, VIII Lord of Villamor (1170-1206) participated in third Crossed being hurt in Cyprus, later was united to Fourth Crossed conquering the cities of Farsalos and Volos among others, entering by triumph in Constantinopla next to Bonifacio de Monferrato, was so the anger demonstrated by Don Diego V, VIII Lord of Villamor, that by its feudos of Tesalia before mentioned, Balduino of Flandes Latin Emperor of Constantinopla granted the dignity to him of Duke of the Latin Empire that their descendants never forgot as he shows of the participation of a Spanish lineage in Crossed of Earth Santa, until writers as Bernardine the Treasurer spoke of the famous Spanish Knight or Knight of the Green Arms, where also "Les Croisades" is mentioned in the work of Guy Michaud.
After this glorious one he already develops the Dukes of the Empire of Constantinopla and Lords of Villamor and after leaving to insured their possessions in Farsalos and the gulf of Volos tired to battle successively initiated their return to their old Castilian possessions following one another by line of man Don Nuño I (1192+1240), Don Diego VI (1210+1263), Don Pedro I (1226+1275), Don Rodrigo VII (1242+1293), Don Pedro II (1262-1321), was their successor Johannes I Perez de Villamor (1285-1356) Greater Chancellor of King Alfonso XI, commanded to assassinate by King Pedro I, mentioned in the Becerro's Chronic that compiled by Alfonso XI and finished Behetrias of Castile under reign of Pedro I of Castile en1352, happens to Johannes, its son Don Lope I of Villamor (1303+1360) and later Don Rodrigo VII of Villamor (1323-1385) that party by King Don Pedro I took helped by the King from England against those in favor of the illegitimate brother of the King Enrique, Count of Trastamara that with the support of the white companies of Dugesclin and a set of foreign families of Castile like the Pimentel, the Manrique, the Alvarez de Toledo, Acua etc. they assassinated the King I legitimize Don Pedro I and Enrique the bastard without successory rights to the throne became King Enrique II Beginning therefore the Trastamara Dynasty that Juana I would last until Queen mother of the Emperor of Germany Carlos V of Habsburg Trastamara, I of Castile.
The coming of this dinasty supposed a hard blow for the House of Villamor since their successive Kings did not forget the adhesion the Villamores by Don Pedro I of Castile, next the succession falls to Don Lope II (1344+1392) that nevertheless served King Enrique III as Castile, next position becomes of the states of the House of Villamor, Don Rodrigo VIII de Villamor, XIX Lord of Villamor and Duke of the Latin Empire (1368+1418), his son Don Gonzalo III of Villamor (1385+1429) had two children: Don Pedro III, XX Lord of Villamor and Duke of the Latin Empire (1404+1456) and to Don Sancho de Villamor (1405-1470) Gentleman of the Tower of Villamor of San Llorente de Losa.
Don Pedro III Was happened by Don Rodrigo IX (1421+1487) later by Don Juan II (1442+1495), and later by Don Juan III (1464+1542) that has the misfortune to survive its son Don Juan IV (1486+1541) in whose testament it wishes to beburied in the Chapel of the Church of Santiago de Villamor, he nevertheless left a son that a called daughter died of boy and Doña Maria of Villamor Salinas (1509+1568), but being female and according to the Law Salica of the Godos and the Francs it could not inherit the Headquarters of the House of Villamor with its states titles so that was to be solved the marriage of her with the descendant of Don Sancho of Villamor (1405+1470) to that happened Don Lope de Villamor (1420+1470), and to this I complete Don Sancho Lopez de Villamor (1438+1468) this died assassinated, this relates the medieval book of the Bienadanzas and Fortunas de Lope García de Salazar in 1473, nevertheless before expiring in so terrible circumstances could generate to their successive Don Lope Sanchez de Villamor (1452+1482) who married with Doña Juana de Angulo, VI Lady of the House of Angulo de Río de Losa and procreated to Don Sancho Lopez de Villamor Angulo (1470+1510) who married with Doña Juana de Velasco and Velasco of the House of the Revilla, descendants of the Fernandez de Velasco Lords of the city of Medina de Pomar, procreating to Don Juan V of Villamor Angulo (1489+1545), that when marrying with before mentioned Doña Maria de Villamor Salinas (1509+1568) its premium fifth became XVIII the Duke of the Latin Empire of Constantinopla and XXV Lord of Villamor.
They generated to successive Don Vicente I of Villamor Angulo de Villamor Velasco and Salinas (1532+1605) that I fight in Italy with the Emperor Carlos V, like Captain of the Old guards of Castile, receiving great hurt which they supposed the amputation of a leg, was Regidor Mayor of Salinas de Rosío, XXVI Lord of Villamor and XIX Duke of the Latin Empire, married in several occasions not having manly descendants but that with their last wife Doña Catherine of Peña and Medinilla, Laic Abbess of Peña in San Pantaleón of Losa generated a:
Don Pantaleón de Villamor and Peña (1563+1631), General of the Old guards of Castile, married three times not also obtaining a son man but that of its marriage with young Doña Joana de Villota of Salinas of La Cerda and of Villamor, XIII Lady of the Viñuela, Pariente Mayor of Vizcaya, VI Mayorazga of the House of Salinas and VIII Mayorazga of the House of Villamor (in Salinas of Rosío).
This alliance will give rise in addition to the yearned for succession of old Don Pantaleón the fusion with the heiress of several nobiliary Houses since the spouses were descending relatives of the same common trunk and she happened to them in his titles, mayorazgos, preeminences and honors:
Don Diego VII de Villamor de Villota of Peña de La Cerda (1624+1685) married with Doña Clara de Sojo-Mardones Ortiz de Urbina and man happened to them after his death in 1685 his only son.
Don Diego VIII de Villamor and of Sojo-Mardones (1668-1720) married the daughter of the Lord of the Manor of La Cerca, Doña Mariana of Hierro-Salinas giving birth to her successor:
Don Juan VI of Villamor and Hierro-Salinas (1692+1769) who married Doña Maria Pérez de Vargas Olave Aburto Monreal and of Beaumont and had the following successor who was:
Don Manuel I of Villamor Salinas and Pérez de Vargas (1725+1793) he married with Doña Ángela Maria of Regúlez Villasante and Villasante-Ogazón and with Doña Casilda Luisa of Hierro-Salinas and Vivanco-Angulo granddaughter of the hereditary lay Abbot of the Abbey of Vivanco, with her had manly descendants in the person of:
Don Thomas de Villamor Salinas (1745+1827), XXV Duque del Imperio Latino de Constantinopla, XXXII Lord of Villamor, XVIII Lord of la Viñuela, Pariente Mayor of Vizcaya, XI Mayorazgo de la Casa de Salinas, en Salinas de Rosío, Burgos. XIII Mayorazgo of the House of Villamor in Salinas de Rosío, Burgos. Laic Abbot of la Peña, in San Pantaleón de Losa, Burgos. Married Doña Maria de todos los Santos de Regúlez-Villasante y Ballesteros San Cristóbal, generating:
Don Hilario I of Villamor Salinas and Regúlez-Villasante (1781+1827), married with Doña Bonifacia de Goya Lucio-Antoniano and
Valdivielso-Morquecho. A quite heroic personality like stubborn was Don Hilario, in effect, wing was not really resigned to the change of the times French and American revolution to the Liberals and to the new violent times that would be called on to him to live. To the invaded being Spain by Napolen Bonaparte and his brother Jose I Bonaparte, Don Hilario in the region of the seven merindades of Castile has the great prestige, the meeting of Towns in the beginning names Deposit taker of the National Goods and General Administrator of the Goods of the Arciprestazgo de Tobalina, but soon the meetings are made inclined to liberalism and Don Hilario is revoked of its positions by its Absolutist connection soon armed to its expenses of Monarchic Absolutist guerrillas who sabotaged operations of French army, will disobey to the Military Governor of Towns in 1813 and participated with its forces and servants in the events of Quinquoces whose Church never will be painted not even the bodies were unearthed of church, the Duke of Frías descending of the old Constable from Castile when betraying to King Don Fernando VII DG. and to become Chancellor of Jose Bonaparte, after the Treaty of Valençay in November of 1813 must flee from Castile and of Medina de Pomar whose Convent of Santa Clara, Necrópolis of Frías is assaulted by the loyal subjetcs citizens who lived in town in January 1814, the anarchy reigns everywhere nevertheless Don Hilario runs to the encounter of its King that in gratefulness by the work against revolutionary made by and the her always raised fidelity grants Aristocratic titles to him of Marquis of Villamor and Duke of Salinas of Rosío with the Grandess of Spain of 1's class, are happy times, after the fall in misfortune of the Duke of Frías, the Duke of Salinas of Rosío it comes to occupy a position of confidence in the Monarchy of Divine Right and of Sovereignty It prevailed.
During the triennium liberal organize group of resistance Absolutist in the Merindades of Castile and soon unite to the Apostolic army of the Faith next to the One hundred Thousand Son of Saint Luis defeat to the liberal. In 1833, adhere to the Manifesto of Abrantes and swear fidelity to Don Carlos V King of Spain by the Grace of God and send in the heat of to the war to defend again the monarchy of right of God and Royal Sovereignty, "the Lion" of Castile Old die as a result of the wound receive in combat, in one long
agony, in 1841.
Don Hilario II of Villamor will happen to him (1831+1893) II Duke of Salinas of Rosío and II Marquis of Villamor, that will swear fidelity to Don Carlos VI, King of Spain by the Grace of God to the death of its August Father in 1855. General Zarain moved to his brother-in-law along with until Caserta in 1850 to compliment the inheriting Prince and swearing to continue defending the Carlista cause he participated in the rise of San Carlos of the Rapita in 1860. When Queen of Spain by virtue of the Constitution is overthrown by her own those in favor Isabel II, after the murder of Don Carlos VI at hands of the liberal ones, Don Juan III after a brief Reign abdicates in her first-born Don Carlos VII, King of Spain by the Grace of God the 3 of October of 1868 in Paris and is indeed Don Hilario II that from its Palace of Villamor moves to Side of Bidasoa to receive to King Don Carlos VII to its entrance in Spain in 1872 and after lending fidelity to the King, will fight in army of the North like always, faithful to the Principles of his House. After the military defeat Carlista at hands of the liberal usurpers he did not let Don Hilario II visit the King in his exile when 21 of March of 1893 died in his Palace of Salinas of Rosío next to Villamor. He married with Doña Brigida Alonso de Celada and of Varona and procreated to his first-born Don Florencio I of Villamor, III Duke of Salinas of Rosío spanish grandee and III Marquis of Villamor in 1893. It was born in 1857 but their scientific and little propitious character to the policy separated from their obligations dedicating their life to him to the medical investigation, when it decided to communicate to his father his intentions to study the superior medecine studies, Don Hilario II their father, of a push sent it by the balcony of honor of the Palace and Tower of Villamor, dragging Don Florencio from that moment a crippling that would accompany until its death to him, happened in 1915, unmarried one, when found out that its fiancée, had passed away to its return of the India of fevers you vitiate, swore to never marry. It underwent an attack to the heart in Villamor, where it died. Nevertheless, his brother second Don Juan VII (1859-1919), obtained in 1905 that his brother will abdicate in life and to his favor the nobility titles, treatment and dignities of the House of Villamor, ardent temperament, IV the Duke of Salinas of Rosío and IV Marquis of Villamor made a trip to the foreigner to make available of old king Don Carlos VII and to inform to him into his intentions for the monarchic cause after the death of Don Carlos VII, Don Juan VII de Villamor will swear fidelity to Don Jaime I of Borbón, King of Spain by the Grace of God and he will visit to him in numerous occasions. Of the same temperament that Don Jaime I, Don Juan VII de Villamor gets ready in army in the cavalry weapon and tries to cause a rebellion which will be worth an advice to him military and four years of prison in the military strength of Mahón.
After recovering the freedom, he settled in Madrid with his wife Doña Maria de Angulo de la Peña with that numerous descendants procreated. Soured nevertheless, by the political question and the sequels undergone in prison, he dies prematurely in 1919. he will happen to his father, his son Don Hilario III of Villamor and Angulo (1897-1964), V Duke of Salinas of Rosío and V Marquis of Villamor. Young Don Hilario is loving of the trips and to the controls of his Hispano-Suiza and it makes several trips to Paris, where Don Jaime I DG. will be with its Majesty, maintaining with S.M. one narrow relation until its death in 1931. It is a turbulent time, King Constitucional Alfonso XIII has left Spain and meanwhile the Spanish Second Republic has been proclaimed, Don Hilario III and the traditionalistic circles dream about a military and catholic rise that recovers the Traditional Monarchy after the failure of the Constitutional Dynasty Isabelina. When dying S.M Don Jaime I without manly succession they fall the dynastic rights to his old uncle Don Alfonso-Carlos I, that become from the death of their nephew for the Traditionalistic Monarchists Don Alfonso-Carlos I of Borbón and Austria DG., nevertheless, the preoccupation of Don Hilario III follows latent since the old married King although does not have descendants. The situation in Spain is degraded more and more, the anarchy stands out to its wide ones, the private property is not respected and is necessary to solve the successory question. The V Duke of Salinas and V Marquis of Villamor is in favour to name a Regency Council whose purpose is the one to finally choose to the successor of Don Alfonso-Carlos I, the King summons it, placing in the Presidency to S.A.R Don Javier de Borbón and Braganza, son of Souvereign Duke of Parma and descendant by reporting male line of S.M King Felipe V of Borbón, I King of Spain, of the Borbonic Dynasty. To the death of Don Alfonso-Carlos I in 1936.
Don Javier is invested like successor with Don Alfonso-Carlos I in the dynastic rights with the traditional monarchy with divine right and regal sovereignty by the Regency Council instituted by the late King in 1936 H.M Don Javier I de Borbón, King of Spain by the Grace of God ( 1952-1975) in 1935 fulfills the army and origin legitimacy. Don Hilario III of Villamor Angulo will personally take oath of fidelity to the new King who confirms to him in his rights and prerogatives and assign a consisting of mission to him being preparing the land in Extremadura facing the imminent military rise that is anticipated will explode doubtlessly. The way is long from Villamor and Salinas de Rosío until Frontier earth but Don Hilario must to the cause and obeys to their King Is necessary to prepare the advance of the National-Catolic troops. For Don Hilario III and the Carlistas this crossed that begins does not have another purpose that to give back the throne to the legitimate successor of King Felipe V by the Grace of God, King of Spain.
Immediately, thanks to its gift of people, obtains the friendship of Captain Linos Laje, future General of Army and convinces to him for that it takes the city of Cáceres and its military command in alliance with the troops who have raised themselves in Africa against the Republic, unites relation with Don Gonzalo López Montenegro, owner and resident in the Palace of the Golfines that maintains bows of friendship with promising General Franco. Also, it contacts with the Carlistas Traditional of the city as they are Marquis of Cerverana, Count of Canilleros, Vizconde de Torre Hidalgo and Baron of Campo Aguilas. And next to their great friend Don Luis Jordán de Urries, Marquis of Castronuevo to the controls of the car Hispano-Suiza of Don Hilario is convincing to frontier personalities like Don Luciano López Hidalgo future Governor of Cáceres, the Cavestany brothers, the brother of Don Alvaro will be future Minister of Agriculture, and to Don Alfonso Díaz de Bustamante, son-in-law of Count de Adanero, future Mayor of the city of
Cáceres. The mission is fulfilled and as General Franco was expected is named Generalissimo of the National armies in Cáceres in the Palace of the Golfines, property of Don Gonzalo López Montenegro. The Requets Carlistas of Don Javier are decisive in the North to choke the separatist revolution and comunists and thanks to the general efforts, Franco won the war in 1939, but it defrauds the outlook of Don Javier I of Borbón, since, does not not only replace to Don Javier in the throne giving to him the power, but that initiates a personal dictatorship that will last until 1975. Disgusted of the policy, Don Hilario takes refuge in the study of the Bacteriology and Natural Sciences. Looking for home in Villamor and Salinas of Rosío, he travel to the North but it will die in Irun, the 9 of January of 1964 of Apoplexy, married with Doña Ángela Maquieira de Gaminde Butrón-Múgica, Marchionness of Sonora and Countess of Torre-Tepic (titles granted to his great-grandfather by Maximiliano Emperor of Habsburg of Mexico) married in 1926, Melilla and of this union will be born three children, the first-born will be called Don Enrique Manuel, born in 1927 in Madrid, later Don Alvaro in 1929 and finally Don Carlos in 1936 in Cáceres.
In 1964 Don Enrique Manuel of Villamor and Maquieira, one becomes VI Duke of Salinas of Rosío, Grandee of Spain, VI Marquis of Villamor. Her mother yielded to him I title of Count of Torre-Tepic of the Empire of Mexico and House of Austria, and in 1956, he was in life of its ancestor invested Knight of the Order of Santa Maria of the Lys of Navarre, whose Grand Master H.I.R.H Prince Francisco Jose of Habsburg Lorena and Borbón, Archduke of Austria by the Grace of God, personally gives to the new Knight his standards to him, arming it according to the tradition, at that time maintains a common link with its relative the old Baron of Beorlegui when it moves to Madrid from Irun where it contracted first marriage with a rich heiress and resides Don Enrique in the Lalanne Palace of the Avenue of France nº 13 in Irun. It is also dedicated to agricultural activities in his earth and properties in Villamor, Salinas of Rosío, Valdenoceda, Villaescusa de Butrón and Irun and Fuenterrabía, in addition, the reconstruction of the castle of its ancestors Salinas and Fernandez de Velasco absorbs and just a short time leaves to have a rest and the rest to him powerfully of the celebrations in Biarritz in house of Princess Sapieha and Dukes of Montebello. Love of the visits that are received in the Lalanne Palace like for example the Duke of Alba de Tormes from way to Paris, Marquis of Barzanallana and of Montortal, and the Marquis of la Roca, Count of Valdemar, Marquise of the Vellisca, Marquise of Narros de Zarauz, etc... Nevertheless, Don Enrique feels the call of the Cause and it cannot see without pain the chaotic political situation that crosses Spain into the hands of an ambitious one and tiranic General Dictator who plays with the Princes in Exile of the different dinastical branches to see that behaves better to receive the cake that is not another thing that the Power and Government of Spain.
Don Enrique will go before H.M King Don Javier I of Borbón DG. to take the mandatory oath of fidelity and will initiate a stage of intense political content already in 1970 is named Head Political of the Province of Towns and of its Capital, it very frequently goes to Arbonne to meet with inheriting Prince H.R.H Don Carlos Hugo de Borbón and Borbón and celebrates with the Royal Family political acts like the concentration of more than 2000 Carlistas in the Castle of Lignières in France, where in front of the Carlist nation and from the Royal balcony, H.M King Don Javier, brother of the Empress of Austria-Hungary next to inheriting Prince of Asturias H.R.H Don Carlos de Borbón, its wife H.R.H Princess Irene of Holland, that maintains in its arms to the heir of Prince Don Carlos Hugo and next to the all of them Excmo. Sr. Don Enrique Manuel I de Villamor, VI Duke of Salinas of Rosío and VI Marquis of Villamor, in representation of the Traditionalistic Spanish Nobility.
After the disastrous election of the poor man General Franco and the subsequent rupture of Don Juan Carlos de Borbón with the dinasty Isabelina Constitutional represented by H.R.H Don Juan of Borbón, Count of Barcelona when the acceptation of Don Juan Carlos of Borbón, son of Don Juan the Power in the Headquarters National of the Movement and of the State Spanish Pro-Franco. This Dynasty Isabelina constitutional extinguish with the person of the Count of Barcelona. After the death of his first wife, Don Enrique Manuel, contract marriage canonical in Villamor, in the Church of Saint Isabel, like symbol of reconciliation with the distance undergo in those decade of Earth ancestral with Doña Maria de los Milagros Soraluce and Celaya, descendant of Don Nicolás de Soraluce, Mayor of the city of Saint Sebastian in the XIX Century and famous Historian Basque.
From this union the successor was born: Don Rodrigo Alfonso Pantaleón, in 1971 and baptize in the Church of Saint Isabel de Villamor, in Villamor of Losa, Count of Torre-Tepic, from the cession to his favor do by his father, in 1992, and VII Marquis of Villamor by Ducal act of 9 of October of 2003, in Zarauz. At the moment is Lawyer of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Guipuzcoa, first-born and successor of Don Enrique Manuel I de Villamor. Second son, Don Alvaro Enrique de Villamor, be born in 1974, second in the line successory after Don Rodrigo. Third son, Don Gonzalo Cosme de Villamor, be born in 1977, third in the line successory. Fourth son, Doña Berta Luisa Laura de Villamor, be born in 1973.
During this last period Duke Don Enrique has time to be the anphitryon of H.R.H the Infant Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón and Borbón, Regent of Spain Dei Gratia during the minority of the Grand son of the King Don Francisco Javier I of Spain D.G:
H.R.H The Infant Don Carlos Javier de Borbón y Orange Nassau, Prince of Asturias and Duke of Madrid, born in 1970, who has not assumed yet the succession of the Crown, first son of H.R.H Don Carlos-Hugo de Borbón y Borbón Duke of Parma D.G .
During this visit in July 2005 to the Duke Don Enrique de Salinas de Rosío, The Regent was accompanied by Monseñor Don Ignacio Barreiro, Prelado domestico of His Sanctity the Pope Benedictus XVI, and Don Miguel Ayuso, Jefe de la Secretaría Politica of H.R.H the Regent of Spain Dei Gratia and this was a Great moment to renew the loyalty of H.E Don Enrique de Villamor VI Duke of Salinas de Rosío Grandee of Spain and his son and sucesor Don Rodrigo, Marquess of Villamor and Earl of Torre Cuellar to the LEGITIMATE SPANISH SOVEREIGN MONARCHY BY THE GRACE OF GOD, represented nowadays by H.R.H The Infant Don Sixto de Borbón y Borbón Regent of Spain D.G.
Duke Don Enrique, assumed reprentative charges fighting to preserve the ortodoxy and the maintenance of the traditionnalist rules of the spanish and european Nobility nowdays, being member of the Council of Presidency of the European French INSTITUTION SAINT GEORGES POUR LA NOBLESSE whose See is settled in the Castle of la Villaumaire and conducted by HH.EE The Prince and Princess of Sant Eusebio ( Italian Nobility Members of Corpo Della Nobilitá Italiana )
The VI Duke of Salinas was visited too in his residence in Spain in Medina de Pomar by H.E Don Luis Manuel de Castro Santos Chancellor and Grand Cross of the Mylitary Order of Sao Miguel da Ala and Knight of the Military Order of Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Vila Viçosa of the Royal House of Bragance of Portugal.
In 10 february 2008 at 21:30 The VI Duke of Salinas de Rosío died in his private residence in medina de Pomar being 80 years old after a long life in service to God , to his King H.M Don Francisco Javier I Dei Gratia and to his lignage and his responsabilities as a Grandee of Spain.
The solemn funerals were organized in Santa Isabel Church of Villamor and in San Juan Bautista Church of Salinas de Rosío .
He was suceded by his son: His Excellence Don Rodrigo de Villamor y Soraluce, born in 1971, at the present days VII Duke of Salinas de Rosío Grandee of Spain, Knight of Justice of the Sacred and Military Constantinian Order of Saint George's of the Royal House of Bourbon of Two Sicilies ( Nominated in 6 January 2005 by H.R.H Prince Don Ferdinand de Bourbon Sicilies Duke of Castro Dei Gratia ) and Commander of The Military Order of Sao Miguel da Ala of the Royal House of Bragance (Nominated in 2008 after the death of VI Duke by H.R.H Don Duarte Pío, Duke of Bragance Dei Gratia), Membre Dignitaire et Conseiller la Présidence de l'Institution Saint Georges pour la Noblesse.
The current VII duke of Salinas de Rosío only recognizes the Royal Sovereignty by the Grace of God and has formerly addressed the expresin of his loyalty and fidelity to H.R.H el Infante Regente Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón y Borbón Dei Gratia as the legitimate representant of the Sovereign Spanish Monarchy by the Grace of God and blood hereditary Right.
The current VII Duke of Salinas de Rosío in this consequence does not recognize any authority to the Democratic Constitutionnal Spanish State born in 1978, to regulate Royal Dinasty, Monarchy, Nobility and nobiliary Titles of the Old Kingdom of Spain and Indies, because these matters are outside the competence of modern democratic Institutions, and constitue the spiritual patrimony of the History of Spain, inmaterial and without privileges in the modern actual society.
Those Medieval honorific Institutions can only be perpetuated in future assuming traditionnal Law of the Sovereign Spanish Monarchy by the Grace of God which is :